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3 Ways Asphalt Milling Resurfacing Solves Common Road Surface Problems

Asphalt milling resurfacing in Savannah is a common solution for addressing road surface problems. It involves removing the top layer of damaged asphalt and replacing it with new material, creating a smooth and durable surface. This method is often used to fix issues such as cracks, potholes, and uneven surfaces that can cause accidents and frustration for drivers.

By utilizing this process, cities can save time and money on costly repairs or complete reconstruction projects. The benefits of asphalt milling resurfacing extend beyond just fixing cosmetic issues; it also helps improve driving conditions, reduce vehicle damage, and increase safety for drivers and pedestrians.

Keep reading to learn about the common road surface problems that you can solve with asphalt milling resurfacing.

Removes Surface Rutting and Raveling

Asphalt milling effectively grinds away rutted and raveled sections of roads. This process is crucial for preventing water from pooling in tire tracks. Removing the damaged top layer ensures that the surface is even and smooth, reducing the risk of hydroplaning. This is especially important in areas with heavy traffic, where water pooling can lead to accidents and unsafe driving conditions.

Rutting occurs when the road surface gets worn down by the constant weight and movement of vehicles. Raveling happens when the asphalt starts to break apart and lose cohesion. Both of these issues can cause serious problems for drivers, including loss of control and vehicle damage. Asphalt milling addresses these problems by creating a fresh, stable surface that can better handle the demands of daily traffic.

Correcting Surface Elevation Issues

Asphalt milling resurfacing in Savannah can adjust the elevation of the road to match bridge heights, curbs, and other infrastructure. This ensures a smooth transition and eliminates sudden height changes. When roads are uneven, it can cause vehicle damage or discomfort for drivers. By milling the top layer of asphalt, workers can create a level surface that aligns with the surrounding features.

Elevating or lowering the road at specific points is essential for maintaining a safe and efficient road system. When roads do not line up properly with bridges or curbs, abrupt changes in height can result, leading to potential hazards. Asphalt milling allows for precise adjustments, ensuring that all parts of the roadway are at the correct elevation.

Addressing Reflective Cracking

Removing the top layer of asphalt where cracks begin helps stop reflective cracking. Reflective cracking happens when cracks from lower layers move up to the surface. This type of cracking can make the road uneven and cause further damage. By milling the top layer, workers remove the part of the road that starts to crack. This provides a smooth surface for new asphalt to be laid down.

Asphalt milling creates a more uniform and durable road surface. Without cracks traveling from lower layers, the new surface lasts longer. This reduces the need for frequent repairs and keeps the road safe for drivers. Milling also helps save costs for city maintenance budgets since it prolongs the life of the road. Regular milling and resurfacing can maintain road quality and improve driving conditions.

We Offer Asphalt Milling Resurfacing in Savannah

At Griffin Contracting, we have years of experience providing asphalt milling resurfacing services in Savannah. Our team uses state-of-the-art equipment and techniques to ensure the highest quality results for all our projects.

Bypassing the Bumps: The Benefits of Professional Asphalt Removal

Smooth parking lots are important for safety and aesthetics. Over time, even the best-laid asphalt can deteriorate, leading to cracks, potholes, and uneven surfaces. It’s essential to address these issues promptly to maintain a professional appearance and to prevent potential accidents.

Professional asphalt removal in Savannah is the first step in this crucial maintenance process. The process of removing old asphalt requires expertise and the right tools. Without professional help, efforts to renew parking surfaces can result in further damage and unnecessary expense. Relying on experts ensures the removal is thorough, paving the way for a flawless new surface.

Below are some benefits associated with investing in professional asphalt removal.

Avoid Inadequate Asphalt Removal

Incomplete removal of old asphalt can lead to problems with new paving. Any old asphalt left behind can create bumps or weak spots in the new layer. Professionals use precise tools to ensure every piece of old pavement is gone.

This detailed work is necessary to properly prepare the space for a smooth, durable new surface that lasts years. The new asphalt may fail prematurely without proper removal, leading to more frequent and costly repairs.

Don’t risk inadequate removal by attempting to do it yourself or hiring an inexperienced contractor. The team at Griffin Contracting is here to help you remove your old asphalt.

Keep Your Surroundings Damage-Free

Asphalt removal professionals understand the importance of protecting the areas around the worksite. They use their skills to ensure that the buildings and natural scenery near the parking lot are not damaged.

Special measures are in place to shield the surroundings and maintain the site’s overall appearance.

Key protective measures include:

  • Using Barriers: Professionals install barriers to keep debris contained and prevent it from spreading to nearby areas.
  • Careful Navigation: They strategically maneuver equipment to safeguard structures and green spaces from accidental impact.
  • Cleanup Routines: Experts follow strict cleanup procedures to remove materials that might affect the local environment.

With professionals handling asphalt removal in Savannah, you can rest assured that your parking lot will be smooth and your surroundings will remain undisturbed.

Environmentally Responsible Asphalt Disposal

Experts in asphalt removal focus on clearing away old material and prioritizing eco-friendly disposal. They understand the significance of environmental conservation and integrate recycling into their process. By recycling the removed asphalt, they convert potential waste into useful material for future projects.

This practice minimizes the environmental impact and supports sustainability. It’s an efficient cycle that preserves natural resources and reduces landfill use.

Cost Predictability with Professional Estimates

Asphalt removal professionals provide clear upfront cost estimates, eliminating the risk of hidden expenses and surprises. With their expertise, they can accurately assess the project’s scope and identify potential issues that may arise during removal. This ensures you are informed about all aspects of the process before any work begins.

Contact Us for Asphalt Removal in Savannah!

Don’t let bumpy parking lots be a hassle any longer. Contact Griffin Contracting for expert asphalt removal services in Savannah and surrounding areas!