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Benefits Offered by Asphalt Seal Coating

When is the last time you looked at the asphalt parking lot in front of your business? If it has been a while, now may be a good time to evaluate the surface. If there is damage, cracks, and potholes, there is a good chance the parking lot is detracting from this business’s curb appeal. 

The good news is, there is a way to fix these issues and prevent them from coming back – sealcoating. Keep reading to learn more about seal coating asphalt surfaces and the many benefits it offers. 

Protection from the Sun

One of the most common images of asphalt today is the long highway stretching through the desert with the sun beating down – constantly. Usually, the asphalt in the picture is faded and cracked. 

Unfortunately, this is what happens to asphalt surfaces that are not protected from the sun. UV light can break down many of the materials, and the aggregate and binders in the asphalt are no exception. 

When you invest in seal coating for your asphalt surface, it provides long-term protection from the most damaging parts of the spectrum, making the asphalt last longer and remain damage-free. 

Moisture Protection 

Many people forget about the high level of damage that water can do. Asphalt is not an exception to this rule, especially if you live somewhere temperatures drop below freezing. 

Moisture can make its way under asphalt, and as the water freezes, it expands, which can cause cracking. This impacts the integrity of any asphalt surface. 

Even if freezing is not an issue, asphalt may suffer erosion because of water, especially during the rainy times of the year. If there is a complete washout, the entire underlying base rock and gravel may be washed away, causing serious damage in a very short period of time. 

Improve Asphalt Longevity with Professional Sealcoating

Asphalt does not last forever. It can weather faster than concrete, and it is more susceptible to damage from vehicles and the elements. When seal coating is applied properly, it can help to lengthen the lifespan of any asphalt surface. 

This means your parking lot, driveway, or road will last longer once it is sealed than it would without this treatment. That is because the seal coating helps prevent damage which may occur as time passes. 

Keep the Asphalt Black

Everyone has seen roads that look worn and sun-faded throughout the years. Even when there is not excessive damage, many people do not like the look of faded asphalt. While this is not as important for roads, most people want the parking lot in front of their business to look aesthetically pleasing. Sealcoating will ensure this and provide the long-term black color that everyone wants to see. 

As you can see, seal coating offers an array of benefits. Keep this information in mind and contact the professionals to schedule the service. This will pay off in the long run and help ensure the desired effects are achieved for any asphalt surface.

3 Tips For Keeping Your Parking Lot Safe and Clean

Having a functional and spacious commercial building is something most business owners view as a priority. Once you have purchased a new commercial building, you need to focus on keeping it in pristine shape. While most business owners maintain the inside of the commercial structure, many of them forget about their parking lots. Each year, over 50,000 car accidents take place in commercial parking lots. 

Instead of allowing your parking lot to fall into a state of disrepair, you need to focus on keeping it maintained. Providing your parking lot with the care it needs will require the help of asphalt professionals. Read below for some helpful tips on how to keep your parking lot safe and clean. 

1. Invest in a Quality Sealcoat

Paving a parking lot with asphalt is a great way to make it both more durable and appealing. Most business owners prefer asphalt because it is both affordable and easy to maintain. Keeping your new asphalt parking lot looking great will require the installation of a sealcoat. This added layer of protection is designed to slow the wear and tear on your asphalt. Having a sealcoat reapplied once every two to four years is a good idea. 

If you are unsure about how often your parking lot needs this maintenance, consult with a professional. Once they inspect your parking lot, they can give you a breakdown of what type of maintenance it needs. Hiring these professionals to perform this vital maintenance can help you avoid mistakes that could damage your parking lot. 

2. Routinely Sweeping Your Parking Lot

The parking lot outside of your commercial building is one of the first things consumers will notice. If your parking lot is dirty or damaged, it can affect the public perception of your business in a negative way. This is why routinely sweeping your parking lot to remove leaves, dirt and other debris is crucial. Not only will this sweeping help you keep the parking lot clean, it can also help you avoid drainage issues. 

The pores in your asphalt parking lot are designed to make draining water easy. However, if these pores are clogged with dirt and debris, drainage issues will start to arise. These drainage problems can destroy your parking lot, which is why you have to avoid these issues at all costs. 

3. Fix Cracks and Potholes Quickly

One of the main things you have to do to keep your parking lot in good shape is to find and fix repair issues early on. Inspecting your parking lot frequently is crucial when trying to uncover problems. During these inspections, pay attention to any cracks or potholes that are present. Hiring professionals to fix these issues can help you avoid extensive damage to your parking lot. 

Let Us Help You Out!

Do you need help maintaining your asphalt parking lot? If so, contact the team at Griffin Contracting Inc. With our help, you can keep your parking lot damage-free.

Quarry Materials – A Simple Proposal?

If you are in charge of completing some project that requires quarry stone, asphalt or milled gravel or some other kind of quarry material, you’re in charge of a project that has some complexity. It’s not just as easy as ordering stone and getting it installed somewhere. There are some major things to think about in these kinds of heavy work projects.

At Griffin Contracting, we excel in helping stakeholders throughout Georgia, Northern Florida, and some parts of the Carolinas to get these types of projects done safely, on time, and with attention to any standards or guidelines that apply. This kind of professional acumen and attention to detail is important in this line of work. You need it to get things done. 

Keeping an Eye on the Weather – and Other Conditions

One controlling factor in these types of work is the weather. You can’t do significant earth-moving (or really, any kind of earth-moving) during some kinds of weather conditions, because you’ll get excessive erosion or other problems. For some kinds of installations, the temperature has to be right to grade or otherwise re-contour. 

Working around weather involves handling the logistics of delivering materials, getting them into place, and directing crews who may have to reroute traffic or control the site in other kinds of ways. This work isn’t happening in a vacuum. There are considerations regarding community use. Suppose there is a local event happening – that’s possibly going to impact the work that needs to be done in a major way. A good firm needs to know how to roll with the punches when this occurs, and how to use long-term planning to jump any hurdles that come up. 

Engineering and Municipal Issues

Because of the aforementioned risks of erosion, your project may need some type of erosion and sedimentation plan. Municipalities will typically have some requirements for larger stone projects. What these requirements look like depends on the project, of course, but good companies need to be ready Ready to be agile. Ready to address change. 

Transporting Materials To and From a Job Site

Then, too, you’re dealing with a large volume of materials, and that means getting resources in play, like dump trucks or other large haulers. All of this takes significant coordination and attention to resources. That’s why these projects are so often addressed with complex bidding that shows a kind of projected timeline and cost. There’s going to be “fill” to haul away, too. 

Let Griffin Contracting evaluate your job and present professional bidding that helps to get the job done. 

Heavy Work in Three States

At Griffin Contracting Inc., we are one of the top firms on our area of the Atlantic coast with the actual capability to accomplish many of the biggest and toughest projects in road and infrastructure construction and more.

We work all over South Carolina, Georgia, and Northern Florida, delivering solutions to stakeholders who need professional expertise and significant resources to do the heavy work in various kinds of advanced infrastructure jobs. Here are some of the things we do for our clients in government and business.

Excavating and Utility Work

One type of job that we often get calls for is excavating for utilities. We are experienced in digging and accessing sewer and gas infrastructure and how to do this safely. When you are dealing with underground utilities, safety is something that you do not want to skimp on. There are specific protocols and safety precautions that have to be done as a matter, of course. There’s also a need for heavy equipment to accomplish earthmoving, demolish existing infrastructure, or install new concrete or asphalt over covered utilities. All of that takes a certain degree of planning and knowledge of best practices that we invest in for both safety and quality of results. 


Demolition jobs also require attention to detail and specific heavy work resources. If you’ve ever seen an ill-equipped small local company trying to bring down a building, it’s probably one of the more awkward jobs you’ve observed. 

Razing a building to the ground is, in some ways, the easy part. When that’s done, all of the resulting materials need to be dealt with – transferred off-site, or graded or otherwise handled. In so many cases, when a firm takes on more than they can handle, they run into trouble with the project’s scope when they need to transport materials. They’re just not up to the challenge!

Dealing with Materials

With that in mind, Griffin Contracting can provide fill, soil, or other materials, transporting them safely to a site. We do asphalt milling, and we also deliver bulk seal coat products to sites as well.

Through all of this, we excel at determining the timeline and scope of projects and then keeping things moving with the clear communications that our partners need. Common obstacles involve sign-off for operations, unanticipated weather, road detours, and staffing changes. Through it all, our government and business customers need a company that’s versatile and able to keep things going according to plan. That’s us. Call for more information on how to get a big job done. 

foundation repair

Signs It Is Time to Call for Foundation Repair Services

If you are like most people, your home is one of the most expensive investments you have ever made. As a result, you probably want to take the necessary steps to ensure it is protected.

If you believe something is wrong with your home’s foundation, it is a good idea to call the professionals for a full inspection. The fact is, both pier and beam foundations and concrete slabs can develop an array of serious problems that make professional foundation repair necessary. When foundation issues arise, basements may also suffer severe damage.

Since deterioration can be the result of several things, such as poor soil compaction, plumbing leaks, inadequate drainage, climate, and soil, it is smart to always watch for any signs of an issue. To help you identify possible causes of foundation issues, it is good to get to know some of the most common causes. These can be found below.

Foundation Cracks

If you have noticed gaps in your home’s foundation or the exterior façade of your house or a commercial property, it probably means there is a foundation issue. Wall fissures, broken chimneys, or floor cracks are also signs of a problem. As time passes and the problem persists, the structure may also experience foundation movement because of different conditions. If that happens, the foundation may begin to shift, which can cause gaps. Other issues that may cause this problem include inclement weather and contracting soils.

Sinking or Settling Foundation

If you notice your home or another structure looks like it is sinking into the ground or having settlement issues, it is a good idea to have it checked out. This is because settling is yet another, a typical sign of an issue with your foundation.

As time passes, you may notice that one side of your home is lower than the other one. You may also notice that the foundation must be lifted, which requires the use of exterior or interior foundation piers. These will be installed around the perimeter of the foundation to raise it. They can also be installed in the interior of the structure.

Foundation Upheaval

Has the slab foundation started to move in an upward direction? If so, this is called foundation upheaval. This is another sign of a more serious foundation problem and an indication that the structure is experiencing the exact opposite of foundation settling.

Heaving will usually impact the perimeter of a concrete slab foundation, but it may also impact the interior. The most common areas of your home to see this particular problem is the exterior garage walls.

Do Not Put Off Foundation Repair Services

If you notice any of the problems mentioned here, it is good to invest in professional foundation repair services. The professionals can determine the underlying issue and recommend the best repair methods. They will also be able to provide you with tips and information that help ensure these issues do not occur again in the future.

Ensuring Proper Disposal Of Construction And Demolition Debris

In this era of elevated environmental consciousness, we are continually searching for the best ways to dispose of unwanted waste and materials. Practicing the three rules of Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle can be challenging when it comes to construction and demolition debris. Construction and demolition debris is different from everyday household and commercial waste as it requires an entirely different disposal process.

Bulk amounts of debris that includes demolition and construction materials are subject to not only removal and disposal regulations but also require specialized equipment for removal. While many of these debris materials are non-hazardous, they can be difficult for project managers to remove safely. 

Common Types Of Construction & Demolition Debris

Some of the most common construction and demolition debris materials include concrete, bricks, metal, glass, roofing materials, wood, plumbing fixtures, and wiring. By themselves, these materials are considered to be “clean” and therefore, may not be difficult to dispose of, but in a demolition scenario, they are mixed in bulk amounts, creating a more tedious removal task. 

Reducing Construction Debris

Construction project managers may be able to reduce the number of unused materials by implementing proper planning and organizing during the ordering phase of their project. Demolition site managers will find that while they may not be able to reduce the amount of demolished debris, they may be able to reuse or recycle portions of it.

Careful Deconstruction Aids In Salvage

How construction is deconstructed can affect the number of materials that can be salvaged and either reused or recycled prior to ending up in the landfill. Many items such as concrete, soil, metals, and bricks can be easily reused for other projects or sold to companies that salvage certain materials. 

Recycling Can Save Disposal Fees

Recycling of various construction and demolition materials can also save money on disposal fees while keeping items out of the landfill. There are countless recycling programs and facilities across the country that specialize in building materials, providing green options for project managers that ultimately help the environment as well as the project’s bottom line. 

Trust The Professionals

When you need construction or demolition debris removal, it is important to contact professional companies that are well-versed in the process. Often, these companies assist in the process at the planning stages, ensuring the proper disposal of the materials. 

If you are in need of construction debris removal or demolition debris removal, contact Griffin Contracting Inc. for professional and experienced contracting service. 

Asphalt Issues: Is it Time for Repairs?

Asphalt is an extremely durable and long-lasting material. Unfortunately, just like anything else, these surfaces will not last forever. At some point, repairs are necessary.

Your asphalt requires regular maintenance along with occasional repairs to remain safe, attractive, and usable. It is essential to know when these repairs are needed. Some of the top signs you should call the pros to restore and repair your asphalt surfaces can be found here.

The Presence of Cracks

As your parking lot or driveway gets older, cracks may develop. These are a common sign that lets you know it is time to repair your pavement surfaces. If you don’t provide the needed repairs, the cracks may get bigger, and they will eventually form a skin-like look that resembles an alligator. If the situation gets to this point, you will have to replace the entire asphalt surface, and this is quite expensive.

Some asphalt cracks don’t require immediate repairs. If you notice a crack has begun to widen, contact the professionals. Patching or filling these cracks will help to increase the lifespan of your pavement.

Pools of Water

Water is an essential element that may cause damage to any asphalt surface. It does this because of the freeze-and-thaw process after the water has seeped through the surface. This results in strain to the pavement nearby, which is going to cause even more damage. Pooling water can be the result of super drainage or a surface that isn’t level. A professional can determine the underlying issue and make the necessary repairs.

The Appearance of Potholes

Are there potholes in your asphalt surface? If so, this is an eyesore to everyone using it. Along with that, they are also a safety hazard. If someone falls into one, it may result in a severe injury. Potholes can also damage vehicles. This is why they should be fixed right away.

Potholes can form because of several issues. One of these is the freeze-and-thaw action of the water that will seep into your pavement. It may also be caused by soil expansion and contraction under the asphalt. This issue can be repaired by filling in the potholes.


The weight of vehicles rolling across an asphalt surface will exert a lot of pressure on it. This is especially true when cars turn. Over time, this can cause the asphalt surface to warp. The extent of this damage will determine how easy a fix it will be. Minimal damages will only require touch-ups, while more extensive damages will require you to invest in a whole new asphalt surface.

Contact the Professionals for Help

If you are unsure if your asphalt driveway, parking lot, or any other surface needs to be repaired or replaced, it is a good idea to contact the professionals. They can evaluate the situation, determine what is going on, and make the right recommendation to ensure your asphalt surface is restored to like-new condition.

What to Consider When Choosing a Commercial Building Site

There is a lot of work that goes into deciding where to build your new business or move your existing one. You’ll want to consider factors such as traffic, ease of access to your customer, and employee commute. However, you may not be considering some other factors that will have a huge impact on the success of your building.

Take note of the environment and topography

You will want to have a commercial site survey done to determine estimates and assessments about the location, which will help determine if the site is right for your business. Consider the topographical attributes of the site. For example, take a look at whether the land is flat or if it slopes down anywhere. That aspect can have a significant impact on construction. Take a look at the soil too. It’s essential to know how much weight the soil will be able to support. You will also want to determine if the location site is large enough for your commercial building project.

Consider your cost and timeline

What is your budget for this commercial project? There are a lot of factors to keep in mind, and several possible hidden costs you may not have determined at this point. That is why getting estimates will help you figure out whether your building site is the right choice. Also, your timeline is another aspect to consider. The local building code can be strict in some areas, making it take longer for your project to get completed. Also, there may be long permit wait times, which can extend the timeline of your construction project. 

Keep nearby facilities in mind

When scoping out a building site, take a close look at the surrounding area. You will want to make sure any neighboring businesses line up with your company’s image. If your building site is going to be a new hotel, you wouldn’t want to start your construction project where there isn’t anywhere for guests to visit surrounding the hotel. Also, keep your employees in mind. You will want to look for amenities such as available public transportation, nearby childcare, commute times, and even places for them to get lunch. 

There are many aspects to look out for when choosing a commercial construction site. With these tips, you will have the best chance of selecting the site that’s right for your business and your budget. Contact Griffin Contracting for your commercial site work.

Helpful Tips to Better Understand Site Preparation

Do you understand what goes into the site preparation process? Do you think it is complex and time consuming? While there are situations where the process may seem somewhat overwhelming, learning more about it can help reduce these feelings. 

Site Preparation Defined 

Site prep is the work that is done on your land before construction. This includes things like finalizing the location details, getting access to the site, drainage, and other factors. With this process, you can easily identify site complications upfront and address them before the actual construction process begins. 

The entire site prep process is designed to set you and your building up for success. While it means more work for you initially, when done properly, it can help you save both money and time. 

Now, let’s dive into the tips to help ensure site preparation is successful. 

Determine the Elevation and Building Location 

It’s a bit of a “no-brainer” that you need to make the final decision regarding where – exactly – your new building or structure will go. When you are making this decision, you should consider the flow of people and the equipment needed for the work that’s being done. If you have multiple buildings, this is even more important. 

Another decision, which isn’t as obvious as the other, is the elevation of your building. You get to make the final decision regarding its elevation because this is going to impact drainage significantly. Don’t worry, if you need help, your contractor will be able to provide you with some guidance. 

Access to the Site 

Even though you probably have plans regarding how you are going to access the final structure, what about your builder? Are they going to have enough room to deliver the needed materials? Is your site free from all types of debris so equipment can move through with ease? Is there enough room for the heavy equipment needed? When the contractor has easy access to the site it will ensure the materials and equipment can be delivered efficiently and easily. 

Perimeter Access 

Perimeter access is different than site access. Site access refers to getting people onto the site with ease. Perimeter access will focus on the people and the equipment once they have gotten on site. You need to make sure the construction crew has plenty of space to move around and get work done. This means keeping a dry and clear perimeter that lets equipment, crews, and materials move quickly

When it comes to site preparation, there are more than a few factors that must be considered. Be sure to consider the factors here to know what you need to do to ensure your construction project moves along smoothly. It’s also a good idea to work closely with your contractor to minimize issues and delays, that not only cost you time, but also money. Being informed is the best way to ensure that the desired results for your construction project are achieved without issue or delay.

A Trusted Heavy Work Partner – Griffin’s Contracting Expertise

A Trusted Heavy Work Partner – Griffin’s Contracting Expertise

At Griffin Contracting, we are proud of our track record as an established contracting company serving businesses and other clients in the Georgia and South Carolina communities.

We’re locally owned and operated, and we have the capabilities to work with gravel, concrete and other materials, to do the heavy work required for utility work, asphalt projects, storm sewer plans or other projects.

Opening Up the Landscape for Heavy Work

One of the inherent challenges in doing this heavy work is getting under the surface of either a paved road or an open piece of land.

Utility workers and others involved in roadwork and similar types of projects have to have the right skills and equipment to burrow under existing infrastructure and access the areas where they’re going to need to install piping inlet boxes or other setups.

This is easier said than done, and it takes a contractor with knowledge of industry best practices as well as occupational safety and more. We excel in these types of projects, and we’re ready to go to work with you.

Project Management

There’s also a significant project management component to these jobs.

Heavy site work is not like some other kinds of contracting. For instance, there is interior painting, where projects are pretty predictable, and contractors may even bid without actually seeing the property.

By contrast, the types of contracts that we work on have to have this steady planning behind them. The scope of the project and the timeline need to be clearly established and planned for. To that end, companies and other stakeholders use performance bonds and other mechanisms to make sure that projects get done on time and as planned.

We bring the right credentials and resources to the table to complete these jobs the right way. When it comes to earth moving, we know about the regulatory process (for example, the context of and context for these types of jobs, in order to do them by the book and make sure they don’t run into unanticipated delays and problems.

Sourcing Materials

One project management component of these jobs involves getting the necessary materials from point A to point B. Again, it’s heavy work, but it’s also a complex set of calculations that requires planning and expertise on the paperwork side. Companies need to know where the suppliers are, and what is logistically possible in order to get materials to the site. Just guessing doesn’t work.

Ask Griffin about how to tackle a big project. We bring the muscle to accomplish what has to be done with regard to infrastructure and improvements – wherever you are.